The American Chamber of Commerce Saudi Arabia
launches the much-anticipated
Education Committee
April 22nd, 2024

The American Chamber of Commerce Saudi Arabia hosted the Education Committee Launch Event themed “From Riyadh to Washington: Building Bridges in Education” on April 22nd in Riyadh, gathering industry leaders and experts to discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing Saudi education system in line with Vision 2030.
The session moderated by Hans Ott, Director of Teaching and Learning at International Schools Group, featured panelists including: Dr. Steffen Sommer, Director General at MISK Schools; Ali E.Lejlic, Counselor of Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy Riyadh; Dr. Asma Alkadi, CEO of Altarbyah Alislamyah Schools (TIS); Ehab Gheidan , Head of Education MENA at Googleand Dr. Michael Mack, Superintendent at International Schools Group.
Nomaan Syed, the AmCham Board Member and Director of Committees said:” Today’s engagement marks an important milestone and represents what can happen when we come together. We know Vision 2030 requires innovation and creativity. The Education industry has many opportunities for American companies to be a part of that change. Through the collaborative efforts of this committee, we aim to nurture a dynamic platform for dialogue, innovation, and action in the realm of education”.
Davida MacDonald, the Cultural Attache at U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia, added: “With so many exciting developments in the Saudi education sector, this is truly a key time for U.S.-Saudi cooperation. Education is at the heart of people-to-people ties between the United States and Saudi Arabia. We look forward to ever more two-way exchanges of U.S. and Saudi students and partnerships between U.S. and Saudi educational institutions.”
The session underscored the importance and future of the education sector in Saudi Arabia emphasizing crucial topics, such as importance of global perspectives in career preparation, artificial intelligence influence on education and country's appeal as a destination for expatriate professionals.
Dr. Maha Bawazir, The Education Committee Chair, said “We believe in enriching educational opportunities that promote students to stay in or return to Saudi Arabia for employment”. Dr. Michael Mack, The Education Committee Co-Chair, added: “We believe in assisting with opportunities for businesses to give back to the community through educational & corporate partnerships”.
The Education Committee will kick off its initiatives with a series of networking events, seminars, and conferences. The committee welcomes participation from all members and industry leaders who want to promote education sector development and be a part of the vibrant AmCham community in Saudi Arabia.
For more information about the Education Committee, please visit: Education — AmCham Saudi Arabia (