Profile: The Arts, Culture, & Entertainment (ACE) Committee operates under the American Chamber of Commerce Saudi Arabia, to provide American and Saudi companies with expertise, community, and access to support the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s emerging creative industries. Included industries are: domestic arts, culture, design, fashion, entertainment, cinema, music, theater, culinary arts, tourism, and film. The Committee recognizes a major portion of these creative emerging markets consist of SMEs (small-medium enterprises), and thus provides an array of impactful professional advancement programs, workshops, and community building activities to support its entrepreneurs.

The Committee cooperates closely with the Kingdom’s public sector, bringing together private sector leaders to more effectively share knowledge and best practices as well as contribute to Saudi Arabia's discussion on this sector. As such, the Committee provides these and other policy-makers with an analysis of key challenges and policy responses that will shape the industry in the years to come.

Mission: To provide Saudi Creative Industries the ability to connect, grow, and prosper..

Vision: To be the principal advocate for the American Creative industries and communities in Saudi Arabia

Strategic Priorities:

  • Cross-Cultural Integration: Developing cross-marketing opportunities between members to increase market demand and commercial activity work with Saudi Arabia to promote culture as a way of life and creating opportunities for US and Saudi cultural exchange taking into consideration the range of traditional views.

  • New Sector Development: Focus on advising Saudi Arabia as they build strong governance that is effective, transparent, and accountable to effectively grow their foundation in entertainment, sports, and the arts as a new creative sector during the Kingdoms transitions to a post-oil society.

  • Human Capital Growth: Pioneer a successful US and Saudi Arabian model of excellence with efforts that can provide an opportunity to all Saudi citizens by unlocking the talent, potential, and dedication of their people.

Who Should Join?

The AmCham ACE Committee is open to all AmCham members and others in the community who want to promote professional inclusion in career and sector development in Saudi Arabia.

For additional membership information, or if you are interested to participate in the Arts, Culture & Entertainment Committee, please contact:

Committee Leadership:


Chair: Todd Albert Nims
Company: Empty Quarter Entertainment


Interested in Sponsoring the ACE Committee?