Profile: The AmCham Saudi Arabia Healthcare Committee plans, promotes, and implements initiatives about disease awareness and prevention. This committee helps the community to be more motivated and skilled to adopt the culture of a healthy lifestyle. As part of AmCham, this committee offers consultation for companies interested to be healthcare providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mission: To facilitate partnerships, share and exchange knowledge, and foster innovation between its diverse members.

Strategic Priorities: 

  • Knowledge Sharing: Establish the HCC as a premier platform for knowledge sharing in the healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia.

  • Balanced Agendas: Ensure that the HCC's agendas are balanced and aligned with the needs and interests of its members and invited experts to maximize the value of each meeting and event.

  • Collaborative Opportunities: Identify and capitalize on opportunities for collaboration and partnership to position the HCC as a catalyst for critical collaborations and initiatives in the healthcare sector.

  • Promote Networking: Encourage members to connect and collaborate with one another, both within the HCC and with external healthcare professionals and organizations to expand their knowledge and resources.

  • Thought Leadership: Position the HCC as a leader in healthcare knowledge and innovation by regularly hosting events and providing resources that explore cutting-edge healthcare topics and trends.

  • Policy Engagement: Actively engage with government bodies and industry leaders to provide updates and feedback on healthcare policies, and advocate for the needs and concerns of its members

Who Should Join?

The AmCham Healthcare Committee is open to all AmCham members. To join, partner with, or learn more about the Healthcare committee, please email

Committee Leadership:

Chair Name: Mazen Takhah

Company: Johnson and Johnson


Co-Chair: Haitham Al Zuhair

Company: Abbott

Program Director: Khaled Sehly

Company: Amgen

Interested in sponsoring the Healthcare Committee?