KSA Announces 89 new Initiatives To Enhance the Education Sector

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"On Thursday, KSA announced 89 new initiatives to enhance the education sector here in Saudi Arabia.

Key targets include increasing kindergarten enrollment from 23 to 90% and developing two Saudi local universities to meet global standards over the next nine years.

Global scholarship programs and vocational training opportunities have long been a priority for the Kingdom. Having had the privilege of supporting a number of those global programs and seeing their impact on the current transformations happening in the Kingdom, I am optimistic about how similar efforts inside the Kingdom could result in an even wider impact.

And as a mother to three young daughters, it is also encouraging to see increased investments at the earliest levels of education, providing theessential foundation for life-long learning and development.

Great opportunities on the horizon for university partnerships, cultural exchanges and international education programs!"

- Jaime Stansbury, Executive Director of AmChamKSA

Read More: Saudi Crown Prince launches program to help citizens ‘compete with the world’

Zaneta Perussich