HRH Crown Prince Receives 1st Dose of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine

NEOM, Dec 25, 2020, SPA -- His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense received here today the first dose of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, in line with the National Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine, carried out by the Ministry of Health.
Commenting on the occasion, the Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah said: “I extend thanks and gratitude to HRH Crown Prince for his keenness and ongoing follow-up to provide vaccines to citizens and residents, as well, and his permanent directives to provide them with the best services.

What we are witnessing today, is among gains materialized, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, since the beginning of the pandemic, as an extension falling within the framework of the Vision 2030, guided by the policy of "Prevention is better than cure" the minister added.

Such policy is represented by intensifying proactive precautionary measures, emphasizing that human health is first, providing safe and internationally recognized vaccines, in record time, and presenting the vaccines to citizens and residents, alike, a matter that made the Kingdom among the best countries, in the world, in terms of facing the Coronavirus pandemic, the minister concluded.